Is Neurokinetic Therapy Legit?

What is it Neurokinetic Therapy?

In order to face the resistance as we gently push on your leg, we ask you to exhale. Your body’s muscles that it knows how to employ come in contact with our mild touch for the first half of a second. We only ask your body to respond in ways it is capable of, which may feel strange at first.

We only examine one of your deep core muscles as you lay there with your heels on the table, but you might feel all the muscles in your neck start to fire as we do so. This indicates that your core isn’t firing as well as it should, which means your neck muscles are overworking. You can be protruding your chin, slouching at your desk, and utilizing you to breathe, use your auxiliary neck muscles rather than your diaphragm.

Whatever the cause, our goal is to identify compensatory patterns, retrain them, and get your body firing in all the correct areas rather than looking for deficiencies to make you feel bad about yourself. These compensations may go unnoticed for a while until rearing their ugly heads as chronic pain brought on by trauma, overuse, or injury. These muscle tests inform us where to look for the pain’s primary source because the body moves in predictable patterns. In this article, we discuss is Neurokinetic Therapy Legit.

What Is It Neurokinetic Therapy?

A cutting-edge therapeutic approach called is neurokinetic therapy (NKT) teaches your body to relearn motions and muscle functions to which it has grown accustomed in order to promote healing. This muscle test, developed by massage therapist David Weinstock, retrains movement patterns and muscle memory that has been encoded in the brain using touch and pressure.

Magic is not what it is. Although given how well it functions, there are occasions when it seems that way.

What it is: A set of exact muscle tests that enables us to determine the source of pain in a movement pattern. In the Motor Control Center (MCC) of your cerebellum, your brain may have stored inaccurate memories of your muscles and movements. All of your body’s movement patterns are coordinated by the MCC. And it gains knowledge through failure just like people do.

Simply put, NKT has the ability to rewire your brain. NKT is frequently the missing piece when other therapies haven’t worked and your pain is “mysterious.” Not persuaded?

How Does It Function?

The foundation of NKT Neurokinetic Therapy is the idea that after an injury, some muscles weaken or shut down, forcing other muscles to overwork and overcompensate, leading to pain and stiffness.

A practitioner will gently press on you while asking you to resist in order to assess each muscle’s strength or weakness, determine the source of an injury, and retrain your body to break old habits. The MCC perceives weakness as failure and becomes receptive to new information when a muscle is weak.

Would what it learns help you or will it make your agony worse? Consider this: following an injury, your MCC takes the easiest route (your most successful repeat attempts at optimal movement). When you fail, you learn by repetition most effectively. The MCC learns and adjusts to your compensatory pattern and maintains it in its memory forever and ever—unless it can be persuaded to change—much like a toddler trying to learn how to walk but falling down repeatedly. Design error? Maybe.

Both an evaluation method and a rehabilitation procedure, neurokinetic therapy is used for:

Jen Cathey, a licensed is neurokinetic therapist with Longevity Health, is currently taking new patients. Make an appointment with her right away!

  • Back discomfort
  • Neck ache
  • Carpal tunnel disorder
  • Running accidents
  • Joint discomfort
  • Old wounds
  • Persistent or untreated pain
  • tensed muscles
  • Anyone who exerts a lot of energy regularly (whether you’re a pro-athlete, a yogi, or a dancer)

Hands-on muscle testing is the foundation is neurokinetic therapy, which enables us to identify the root reasons of your overcompensations very fast. We assess how your body responds to various pressures, movements, and positions. We examine your current and previous injuries, examine your movement patterns in-depth, identify the weak places that are throwing you off-balance, and identify the underlying reasons of your discomfort. A series of integrative exercises tailored to your particular needs might be anticipated.

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Is Neurokinetic Therapy Legit?


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By targeting the underlying cause of discomfort or dysfunction in the neurological system, neurokinetic therapy (NKT) tries to diagnose and treat abnormal movement patterns. To assist rewire the brain and enhance movement patterns, it involves physical muscle testing, soft tissue mobilization, and corrective exercise.

There is currently little scientific research on NKT’s usefulness, despite some anecdotal evidence to the contrary. As a result, it is challenging to say with certainty whether or not NKT is a legit kind of treatment.

NKT has been used successfully by many doctors and patients, though, and it’s important to remember that this therapy is frequently a part of a bigger treatment strategy that also involves other therapies and interventions. The effectiveness of NKT ultimately depends on the patient and their unique demands, as well as the knowledge and experience of the healthcare professional delivering the therapy.

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Is There A True Neurokinetic Therapy?

A highly specialized approach of rehabilitation for patients with a variety of illnesses is called neurokinetic therapy (NKT).

How Effective Is Neurokinetic Therapy?

It has the power to lessen the tension and discomfort brought on by overused muscles. Compensation patterns may develop as a result of overuse. It is typical to protect an affected area while recovering after a trauma. This also leads to compensating habits, which NKT can treat by retraining the muscles after they have healed.

How Effective Is Neurokinetic Therapy?

The foundation of NKT is the idea that other muscles in the body will step in to support weakened ones. Muscle tissue might weaken after an injury, causing other muscles to work harder than they were intended to.

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